Upp i ottan

Wu: Lite rörlighetsträning, double unders 73 reps x 2 (pb med 1 rep?), övn med stång + Dagens pass: A. Snatch – (65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75% x 1, 80% x 1) x 2: 47.5 – 52.5 – 55 – 60 kg B. Snatch Pulls – 3 sets x 2 reps: 90 – 100 –...

More bang for your buck

for reps: Tabata Pistols (v/h): 3+f/3+f – 2+2xf/3 – 4/3 – 3+f/3 = 24 reps (alernate per set – 4 sets/leg) rest 10 sec for sets: As many sets of 10 unbroken CTB chin ups in 5 min: 6 set + fail rest 40 sec for time: 75 reps – 91.5 cm box...

Utflykt, trädgårdsarbete & allmänt härligt

Lördag Lördag morgon innan frullen. Pers och sen sega burpees. Dagens pass: A. Split Jerk from rack – 1,1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 4 min (after completing your last set of 1 for the split jerk, immediately turn a timer on for 3 minutes and perform as many burpees as you...

Alla goda ting är tre

OPT 3 ”Completed in 60 minutes after first set of front squat begins; OPT 3 is front squat 3RM, snatch 2RM, 1 attempt max rep chin ups (they have to be completed in this order); front squat hip crease below knee cap, snatch – only 2 sec max b/t each rep...

In the sunshine!

Emmas kompis Hanna, Name the Pet,  med en passande låt till vädret! Lunch Wu: Clean pull-offs, 40-100 kg – 3or + Dagens pass: Clean pull off blocks – 115% (of clean) x 3 x 3 : 120 kg Power jerk + split jerk – 70% x 5 sets: 70 kg Back squat –...